Vendredi de l'AFC autour du livre Laetitia de Ivan Jablonka. Interventions et débat en ligne

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    Abi Sharon (Habiba) COMPAORE (I am on Facebook LinkedIn Tweets- (mercredi, 22 février 2017 12:48)

    I am on under death threat there is no law able to protect me in France -Unless I die the Expert will be able to enquire and arrest the leaders and make moves where this has the potential to make them act-
    In my open official targeting there is a criminal international group organised approach -It is a kind of ironical situation as from my teens I detached from my biological family because of danger and I was helped by my teachers who replaced my main family support and became my key people role models then I went into high safety expectations around me-At times it had made me become a target for protecting myself and others from danger today it has become a death threat because I challenged djihadists who attacked me and tried to recrute me in a vicious organised manner I am not able to obbeid by a muslim way of being thinking or need of those religious influences I am into laïcity and before I had a Christian background and an autonomous one -I note the Participation of racists and Sectes I have enquired those because of incidents and their presence in my pathway vexed by my open refusal to join them in their specific crimes in groups they act and to me those incidents jointly introduced some of To cover themselves have increased my need of openings and making a stop to those dysfunctional approaches-
    I have paid for a private é quiry and the path is that of an international criminal organization within religious extremists with djihadists and racial hate (including ethnic racists as well as caucasians those who join in hate racial crimes are not only white among black and Arabic and other diverse populations this phenomenon exist but is less brought as those more noisy are those attached to the picture of the neger being abused and tendances of media succes are to sell the paper and make a scoop they have to work and this is an option for "True Victims -Not all are and this makes it difficult to those hidden in silent walls fir Them I sent With my Human Universal Rights and Love ❤️ and High Respect of Myself -No victims of hate Crimes this is my Shifted Mission and it is personal value -I do not give love I shift it to act upon those atrocities hâte do not apply to my way of being-Hate is thought to raise people to Modern djihadists and racism build up as well as sectary being firmally engaged and influencing a path of criminal management-
    Death is part of the practices and killing is of 2 forms suicide massive djihadists sectary or individual (racial may also have a notion of group targeting but is less of the path then djihadists we do not though have enough data to confirm this and I will not be surprised to discover massive targeting)
    -I want to join the CIA and the FBI as a French atypical citizen with my French and British educational background and highly influenced by American and jewish learnings my helping zones are those 4 countries because of my limits and to payback what those countries gave me throughout my identity I am classified as an adult orphan because as teen I got detached to my biological family and high school removed to be out of danger I have that duty to get out as much people under those death threats around those countries -I am not safe nor able to fit in any ethnic communities africain arabic or minorities I do not want either to add any further cultural or add traditions of others I do not impose my identity nor I want anyone to do so nor live like a soldat I am a Consultante Ingénieur in Final decisional Stratégies to help in that matter-I am a creator innovator with 12 programs in finance/Health/Luxe promoting 5 /12 with my first competition this month and this spring à Médiatic brand passion in all I am doing I get the right balance and this is a 14 years hard indépendant work and investment I have crypted my work and mémorise it in a way that no one steal it experience that young too plus threat of intelligence is current practice in France and beyond -Let's join forces I try my best yet I do not stress nor l'imitateur mysel I know exactly the level of danger for me and other as well as strategies related and aim including financial -I support the police even with their actual bad practice with the aim that we get them back to a more secure and protective position as well as allowing them to protect victims -I am much more for a new police force unite with more rights and powers to protect at threat officers and their families as well as victimes based on the profile of djihadists and highly supported I would to invest and bring money to such a project -Sécurity and Quality -No hate no matter how bad it is but firm and SMART mesures-